Verden (Aller) - The cathedral and equestrian town

Verden for friends of fairy tales

If you're looking for fairy tales in Verden, you'll end up in the “Ritter Rost -Magic Park”, an amusement park full of magic. Apart from amusement rides, visitors can enjoy magic shows and a dinosaur island as well as a fairytale forest with a gingerbread house, life-sized fairytale figures, and further attractions that make fairy tales come alive.

Also legendary figures can be found in Verden. Encounter a witch on the town guided tour “Witches in Verden” or let the notorious pirate Störtebeker press a herring in your hand at the Laetare donation in March.

Who knows, perhaps you'll even see the giant who once is said to have created the “Verden dunes”. According to legend, while jumping over the Aller River, he lost so much sand from a handbag that an entire bog was laid dry. The Verden dunes were left over.

On the outside wall of the cathedral, get to know the “Stone Man”, who conceals the legend of a dishonourable sexton.

As you see, you can experience some “legendary” moments in Verden on the Aller and perhaps also write your very own fairy tale here.

Historical Tidbits

Verden was once divided into a “Northern” and “Southern” town and only united in 1667 by the Swedish Government.

Up to that time, the commercially-oriented Northern Town (Norderstadt) around the City Hall and the Southern Town (Süderstadt) around the Cathedral could not stand each other, and were even separated by a town wall. Parts of this town wall can still be recognized to this day.

Verden for holiday tourists and day visitors

In nearly every fairy tale, the prince has a horse. We cannot actually offer you a prince in Verden, but we certainly have enough horses. These noble animals are in evidence everywhere in the town. Enjoy the confectionery delicacy “Verden horse apples” (the expression "horse apple" is a colloquial term for horse manure, so this is something of a joke) or visit the “German horse museum” (Deutsches Pferdemuseum) with its fine museum library, to learn everything about the history of the horse.

Also the multitude of equestrian events, entices many visitors to the town year after year.

If you would like to learn more about the history of the united town, look into the “Canon House – Historical Museum” (Domherrenhaus - Historisches Museum).

Likewise, enjoyable excursions are to the Verden dunes, the climbing park (Kletterpark) with its 50 stations, close to the minigolf course or relax in the Allerpark, a park next to the river Aller.

Your contact in Verden (Aller)

Tourist-Information Verden (Aller)

Große Straße 40
27283 Verden (Aller)
Phone: +49 4231 - 12345
Fax: +49 4231 - 12320

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