Göttingen - a city that creates knowledge

Göttingen for friends of fairy tales

In the years 1829 to 1837, the brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm taught at the famous university. Apart from their teaching and their work as librarians, the two brothers completed a large number important publications in Göttingen, for instance two additional volumes of their “German Grammar”, “Reinhart (Reineke) Fuchs” and “German Mythology” as well as the third edition of “Grimm’s Children and Household Tales”.

Their time in Göttingen is honoured by a commemorative plaque in Goetheallee No. 6 and the St. Paul's Church with its historical library hall. Furthermore, every year in February the Göttingen Puppet theatre Days are held, performing acts from renowned German stages. They let the puppets dance in storybook productions for young and old.

Göttingen historical tidbits

In 1837, the Grimm brothers together with five additional professors (the famous “Göttingen Seven”) signed a letter of protest against a violation of the constitution by King Ernst August I. of Hanover. This protest had severe consequences: the brothers were discharged from service at Göttingen University, and Jacob Grimm was even expelled from the state. Nevertheless, the action of the “Göttingen Seven” was observed in all of Germany. In 1848 the Grimm brothers and additional Göttingen signers were members of the Frankfurt National Assembly.

Göttingen for holiday tourists and day visitors

Those who come to Göttingen alone or with a partner can explore the city on one of the numerous guided city tours. For tour groups the Tourist Information offers guided tours in english language all year round. The public sightseeing tour „Around the Gänseliesel“ in english takes place from April to October on every first and third Saturday of the month. It starts at 11.00 a. m. inside the Old Town Hall (Altes Rathaus).

Göttingen is known as a Festival City in which theatre, literature and music have a special significance far beyond its borders. Uncontested highlights in the calendar of events are the international Handel Festival Göttingen, the Puppet theatre Days, the Night of Culture, the Gänseliesel Figure Festival, the Literary Autumn and the Göttingen Jazz Festival, and last but not least the Christmas Fair set up round the old Town Hall from the end of November.

Your contact in Göttingen

Tourist-Information Göttingen, Altes Rathaus,

Markt 9
37073 Göttingen
Phone: +49 5 51 - 4 99 80-0
Fax: +49 5 51 - 4 99 80-10

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