Fritzlar - The Middle Ages in the regional centre


Fritzlar for friends of fairy tales

Plenty of material for myths and legends are already provided by the scratch markings from the early Stone Age of the Wartberg culture with its stone chamber graves. However, the 5,500-year-old cult and burial grounds continue to guard their true mysteries. Repeated stories reported about a miraculous rescue of the city from its enemies, and the traditional legend of the Wine Miracle of Saint Wigbert, which created the beginnings of viticulture in the region. In the mediaeval writing room of the St. Peter foundation, such significant works as an edition of Wolfram von Eschenbachs "Willehalm" and the author of the "Liet von Troye" who called himself "Herbort from Fritzlar, a learned student".

The whole dense population of German Romanticism can be found here again in the 18th and 19th centuries: after 1794, Bettina Brentano (von Arnim) and her sisters Gunda, Lulu and Meline were educated in the Ursuline school in Fritzlar. The author reports about it in "Goethe’s correspondence with a child". One of the greatest German love attachments was marked by the marriage of the poet Clemens Brentano to the young Auguste Bußmann in the Fritzlar Cathedral. The Brothers Grimm were associated with the region their whole lifetime. Ludwig Emil Grimm, their painter brother, documented the people in and around Fritzlar in numerous sketches, drawings and etchings. Particularly the palm-reading Lore von Ungedanken or the Kanzmännin display his keen interest in his fellow men and are masterpieces of his romantic drawings.

Fritzlar historical tidbits

The Büraburg, Bonifatius and the cutting down of the Donar oak, the first Hesse Bishopric, the Cathedral St. Peter, the Royal Election of Henry I., the stopovers of German kings and emperors, the Imperial and Church Assemblies...? In Fritzlar, nobody can ignore these attractions! However, the little stories that are recounted on the guided tour are also gripping and make the town's grand history come to life once more.

Fritzlar for holiday tourists and excursions

Whether for one or multi-day group tours, family get-togethers, club excursions, class trips, study trips or as an accompanying programme for an event – the cathedral and imperial city of Fretzlar is always a worthy destination on the German Fairy Tale Route: history and culture, curiosities and culinary offerings, bike tours, coach trips or hikes in nature and the beautiful Kellerwald-Edersee National Park. There are numerous leisuretime offerings to discover and to enjoy. Events such as the cultural summer festival "Fritzlar vor dem Dom" (before the cathedral), the "Kaiserfest" (Emperor Festival) or the Fritzlar "Pferdemarkt" (horse market) are real public attractions that draw many visitors, as well as the weekly open market in Fritzlar. For visitors who are not so fit on their legs or those bound to a wheelchair, the town marketing and guide guild has worked out the concept "experience Fritzlar without barriers", and were distinguished with the Hessian Tourism Prize in 2015.


Your contact in Fritzlar

Stadtmarketing Fritzlar e.V. - Touristinformation im Spitzenhäuschen

Zwischen den Krämen 5
34560 Fritzlar
Phone: +49 5622 - 988-643
Fax: +49 5622 - 988-626

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