Kirchberg museum and manor

There is an old estate in the Niedenstein district of Kirchberg, whose older and younger manor as well as the affiliated stables and barns are still visible today. The Kirchberg district is also well known for its Bergtor gate, which grants the visitor access to the manor. Up to 19th century, the property was the seat of the knighted clan of the Hunde von Kirchberg (Dogs of Kirchberg) who are associated with the Falkenstein castle ruin via the legend "The young dogs". In the 20th century, however, the property was divided among several owners. A small local museum is located in the Bergtor itself, which recounts the difficult work done in past times. The contact party is the Heimat- und Geschichtsverein of Kirchberg.

Opening times

the second Sunday in January, otherwise every first Sunday in April, July and October from 2 pm to 4 pm, additional opening times for groups on request.


Stadtverwaltung Niedenstein

Obertor 8
34305 Niedenstein
Phone: +49 5624 - 99930
Fax: +49 5624 - 999310

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