Fairy tale round trip in the Marburger surroundings
"Once upon a time…." -- everyone knows this traditional beginning to the familiar fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm. Both men spent the years 1802-1805 in the university town of Marburg and began to collect the now internationally famous fairy tales. The regional artist Otto Ubbelohde (1867-1922) revived historical sites in the Marburg countryside in an enchanting manner, and provided unique illustrations of the Grimm fairy tales. Discover these showplaces full of tales and history during this sightseeing trip, and witness fabulous panorama views of the Marburger countryside and the castle woods.
On the route through the land of fairy tales you meet up with Rapunzel in Amönau, Cinderella on the Christenberg hill, and Mother Hulda at the castle ruin in Mellnau. Other characters from the Grimm fairy tales have also left their traces throughout the area thanks to Ubbelohde …
The return trip to Marburg leads you through the exemplary village of Oberrosphe, which has created an impressive spectrum of rural life in past times in its village museum "Alter Forsthof". Here you can peaceful enjoy some coffee and cake while you say farewell to the land of fairy tales.
Duration of tour: 4 - 6 hours
Booking date
March to November
Cost: upon request
Surcharge for languages other than German: € 8
Surcharge for Sundays and holidays: € 8
Added charge for bus costs (upon inquiry)
Optional: Stopping at Oberrosphe village museum
including coffee and cake (costs upon inquiry)
Additional information
Number of participants depends on size of bus
Marburg Stadt und Land Tourismus GmbH
Erwin-Piscator-Haus, Biegenstraße 15
35037 Marburg
Phone: +49 6421 - 99120
Fax: +49 6421 - 991212